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Thinking of Buying a Home?

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Contact me now:
Jonie Yu
Cell phone: 206-334-7038

Step-by-step buying guide

Step 0 (Pre-qualify stage):

Before you begin to search for a home, find out how much you can afford. You can use the affordability calculator to get a rough idea. This does not replace the need to consult a loan officer to determine the down payment you need and the monthly payment you qualify for.

You should know the price range of the property you can look for after completing this stage.

Step 1 (Discovery stage):

Make a list of all the important features that you want your home to have and what criteria the home should meet. Prioritize these features from necessity to nice-to-have. e.g. School district, freeway accessibility, fenced yard, fireplace, etc...

Coming out of the Discovery stage, you should have a good idea of what you want your home to be.

Step 2 (Shopping stage):

Take good notes when viewing a property. Compare your notes with the Discovery Stage list that you made in Step #1. If you don't take notes, after viewing a few properties, you won't remember what each one is like.

Step 3 (Offer negotiation stage):

When you find something you like, I'll perform a comparable market analysis for you. Together, we will determine a fair price for the property. I'll then write up the purchase and sale agreement along with all the necessary addenda which will protect your interests. I'll also assist you in negotiating the right price.

Step 4 (Pending stage):

In this stage, I'll help you find the professional inspector to inspect the property and review the report with you. I will assist you in writing up your request of modifications.

If the agreement is subject to the sale of your current home, financing contingency, approval of title, or approval of CC&R, I will be in close contact with you. I will remind you of all the deadlines specified in the mutual agreement.

At the end of this stage, all the contingencies should be removed/resolved. You're now ready to proceed to the final stage.

Step 5 (Closing stage):

The closing of the transaction is usually handled by an escrow agent. The escrow agent will contact you directly in setting up the appointment for signing the closing documents. I will keep in touch with the escrow agent to keep things on schedule.

Step 6 (Enjoy your new home):

Congratulations! You should be enjoying and celebrating the success of finding your dream home.

I will contact you after closing to make sure that you're satisfied with the service I provided.

Give me a call and let me help you find the home of your dreams today!

Find out how much you can afford to buy by using the Affordability Calculator!!

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